Sunday, January 03, 2010

What's That?

I worked for 7 years in a nursing home. One day we had a nurse educator visit to teach the staff how to care for a new resident we would be getting. I was in the conference room with nurses and the educator was putting a tape in the VCR.

One of our residents, B, wheeled herself into the conference room. B always wanted to know what was going on. She asked the educator who said, "We're getting ready to watch a video tape on tracheostomy care."

B asked, "What's that?"

The educator began a lengthy description of what a tracheostomy was and was getting into describing special care it may need.

B interrupted the educator and said, "No. I meant 'what's a video tape?'"

(This is one of my favorite stories of the nursing home, but I realized that pretty soon people won't get the humor because VCR's and video tapes won't be commonplace.)


Teddy Westlife said...

I don't have a VCR any more. Love the story though.

Shannon said...

This was great!

I worked in a retirement village and one of the funniest conversations I ever overheard was one resident explaining to another what a "woofer" was and how it was used to emphasise the bass. The other resident just didn't know how to respond!

Auntie Em said...

HR thanks for stopping by my blog.

This is a great story, reminds me of when I spent a lot of time giving computer instructions over the phone. Back before windows we had to be fluent in DOS.

Telling a non computer person to type *.* can turn into stardotstar. Took me several times of giving instructions to this one person before I asked her to tell me specifically what she had typed. I had to put her on hold till I could breathe again.